SAP Labs, Dublin


Scrum Station

Virtual Scrum Station is an interactive kiosk, which encourages and enables informal meetings between remotely located SCRUM teams in a large organization. This kiosk improves the experience communicating over video by providing a panoramic view of the remote location which allows the remote viewer to interact with large groups of people without the limited perspective of a webcam.

The Challenge

Scrum is an agile product development practice used by many software companies to build valuable products iteratively and quickly. This process involves daily stand up meetings which get complicated if the teams are located in different time zones. Our team set out to improve this experience.

The Product

The kiosk is a revolutionary table that allows the users to stand while comfortably placing their hands on it. It has a few screens which display a panoramic video of the remote location. The panoramic camera on top captures the 360 degree view of the meeting space and a sound shower audio system provides an invisible curtain from the background noise.

Design for Collaboration

We built a product that not only helps remote teams have effective daily stand-up meetings but also improve spontaneous collaboration while increasing their engagement.
JAN 2013
I designed the initial concepts for the scrum table.
FEB 2013
Me and my team collected feedback on our industrial design prototypes for the product.
MAR 2013
Scrum Station was installed in SAP AppHaus in Dublin and Palo Alto.
The final product went through a lot of iterations. The following snapshot shows the evolution of the scrum table.
Design School
Stanford University

This project helped me understand the nuances of industrial design. Having a software and electrical engineering background, I got to see the tangible side of product design.

Want to find out more?
GENRE Collaboration Product Design User Experience
SKILLS Product Design Product Strategy Software and Digital Design