Best Game Design Award

designed by Amit Badlani

Original Video

This platform game is centered around the main character, named Shad, who explores the world of paint and colors to find his lost Body. To accomplish his quest, he was given a purple cape by an angel which allows him to teleport in the air.

Rendering and Level Design

I designed the levels for the game and also rendered the 3D models for the characted as well as the cape. The 3D models were made in Blender 3D and the mesh for the cape was generated in real-time using particle simulation.

The texture for both the Skybox and the lightening were created in Adobe Illustrator and imported in OpenGL. The entire game was built in OpenGL using the Bullet Physics library.
The music for the game was recorded in the studio space created by the team and included in the game using the fMod libraries.